Making a Will, Fremantle Western Australia
Poised above the Swan River, Fremantle is one of the most beautiful cities in Western Australia.
Not only does it enjoy relatively temperate weather, thanks to the river, it is also the historical center of culture in Western Australia, once a gathering place for the Noongar people and their ceremonies and trading.
Having been founded, after the convict era, as a center for trade, or aManjaree (meeting place), Fremantle is still a hub for culture and vibrancy in the country.
Besides the thriving port, one of the main draws of Fremantle is the enduring architecture. Many of the original colonial buildings built in the mid-1800s, when British settlers first came to the area, still survive today and are still in use. Because of plentiful limestone quarries in the area, many buildings were constructed out of this light colored stone, providing a glistening, beautiful façade to the city.
Fremantle, as one of the first convict cities, has a rich and colorful history. Almost every building has a story behind it, from the Fremantle Arts Centre which was once an asylum for insane people, or the hotel which was once one of many prisons. Like most residents of Fremantle, you probably revel in the city’s exciting past as you walk along the streets, enjoying the breeze off of the water. You know that the past does not sully the present or the future.
Despite this, studies have shown that a large percentage of people in Fremantle lack a living will to protect their present and their future. Why do so many people avoid making a will in Fremantle? Some people assume that writing a will hastens death, but in reality, most people put off making a will in Fremantle simply because it is not at the forefront of their minds. There are plenty of other things to think about other than making a will.
Fremantle residents will also find that the process of writing a will is rather protracted and many people avoid it simply because of how much time it takes to complete one. The will process usually require the individual to find a trustworthy lawyer and then spend time with that lawyer, partitioning their estate for distribution after death. Young, healthy people rarely think about making a will as death seems so far away.
Not having a will can, however, leave your loved ones in the lurch in the unlikely event of a premature death. That is why making a will in Fremantle is imperative, and why choosing home visit will services is the best plan of action. A will expert will come to your residence and jump start the process, helping you to create a will that will take care of your loved ones and your estate.
Instead of leaving your estate to chance, make sure your legacy is properly protected and that your loved ones will be provided for after your death.
Whether you have a complicated estate, with many different assets, or a modest one, with only a few factors to consider, having a professionally written will can make the bequeathing of your assets much easier.
The best time to think about your family and your will is right now. No matter your stage of life, a will is a protection for those you love, and because we also help your update your will anytime your circumstances change, there is no reason not to get started today.
Call us today on (08) 9368 1337 for all of your
will writing requirements.