Applecross Will Making

Next to the Swan River is one of Perth’s most beautiful suburbs. Applecross is home to hundreds of Jacaranda trees, with festivals every year when these trees put out their beautiful, unique purple blooms. Applecross has had a long history, and it is one that the community is proud of. The legacy of past penal colonies and jails has left its mark on Applecross, but they are not a scar.


Rather, they are a reminder of how far the community and the entire country has come. Asylums are now community centers. Memorials pay tribute to some of Applecross’s most famous citizens, and the beauty of the trees reminds every resident how lucky they are to live in this area. One of the focal points of Applecross is a memorial for the actor Heath Ledger, who lived in this area before his death. The legacy he left behind is celebrated in the form of artwork, provided by his estate.


What legacy will you leave behind when you pass away? Even if we do not think about it every day, we all want to leave something behind for our loved ones. The difficult part is knowing exactly how to build that legacy and how to ensure that it is passed on to the right people at the right time. One way to protect your assets and your estate is to have a functional will.


Many people put off making a will in Applecross until it is too late. A survey conducted by CNN showed that about half of Australian citizens do not have a will at the time of their death. These estates are then administered by the government.


While this may not always end poorly for the living relatives of the person who has passed on, if there are any complications at all, the estate may be stuck in the court system for months or years.


The best way to make sure that you leave a legacy for your loved ones is to make a will. Applecross citizens can even use a home visit will service, which will come to your home or office.


The will expert will then help you with your will, whether your estate is complex or simple, whether you need advanced directives or any other similar paper work filled out.


Customer service is paramount and we realize that just as your life continues to change, you will want your will change.


This is why we also provide will-updating services, to keep your estate protected even as it grows or shrinks over the coming years.

Call us today on (08) 9368 1337 for all of your will writing requirements.