Is Estate Planning just about Wills and Enduring Powers of Attorney’s?

Absolutely Not.

Advance Health Directive or Enduring Power of Guardianship

Australia’s ageing baby boomers and their demographic wealth are well known, but what happens when medical treatment and care decisions need to be made in the event of incapacity. Not surprisingly, medical incapacity can strike anyone at anytime, whether due to disease or accident (i.e. Michael Schumacher) so should contingency medical & lifestyle planning should be a prudent measure
to adopt for all clients. We believe so.

“There are more than 332,000 Australians living with dementia. This number is expected to increase by one third to 400,000 in less than ten years & without a medical breakthrough, the number of people with dementia is expected to reach 900,000 by 2050

Each week, there are more than 1,700 new cases of dementia in Australia or approximately one person every 6 minutes and this is expected to grow to 7,400 new cases each week by 2050. There are also [approximately] 24,700 people in Australia with Younger Onset Dementia (a diagnosis of dementia under the age of 65; including people as young as 30)” (source: Alzheimers Australia)


A Living Will / Advance Health Directive is a voluntary statement that sets out your clients wishes, in relation to medical treatment, lifestyle & and future care decisions, in the event of incapacity & in advance. An ‘Enduring Power of Guardianship’ is a legal document that authorises another person, to make important personal, lifestyle and treatment decisions on your behalf, should they ever become unable to do so for themselves.

For you and your Will and Estate Planning requirements,
call Willcraft on 1300 8111 97
Specialist Estate Planning consultants. We assist clients with their Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Guardianship issues, Probate, Testamentary Trusts and other Estate Planning objectives


1/1 Charles Street, South Perth WA 6151
1300 8111 97