Fact Sheet: Executor Assist service
Acting as an executor, for most people, is one of those ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences and can often appear daunting to a person who is also coming to terms with the death of a loved one.
The duties of an executor can, and usually do, include the following tasks:
- Obtain Probate Application forms and death certificate
- Apply for probate
- Set up bank “Estate Account”
- Gather assets and value them
- Settle debts
- Distribute estate as per Will
- Set up Trust Fund(s) and/or any other form of trust as per the Will for dependents
- Prepare Estate account for beneficiaries
- Finalise taxation
As an executor of a client with Willcraft
we understand the role you have undertaken.
We have put together this Executor Assist service in order to try and help executors through the process giving as much or as little assistance as is required
Briefly the service provides that
- You and your family will have full use of our professional services if you require them, and in whatever capacity you choose.
- The services range from advice by telephone or email up to a full assisted executor service
- We will only ever charge a fee if we are required to act.
- This will be an agreed ‘fixed fee’ plus expenses incurred. These may include Probate application and Court fees and if applicable Landgate fees as an example. These will be discussed with you in advance of commencing any work for you.
- When using our services we will discuss with you, and your family, if applicable, what you require from us.
- We will then give you a ‘guaranteed fixed price quote’ for the work that needs doing.
Expertise. We are specialists and have a team of Solicitors and Tax experts to deliver exceptional levels of client care
- Independent advice. Not all family relationships run smoothly, especially where money is involved, and we offer an impartial alternative
- Reassurance. Many people appoint an Executor who is of a similar age to themselves. As they grow older, so do their Executors whereas we will be here ready to act whenever we are needed
- Confidence. Our fully inclusive, fixed fee will be competitive and provide certainty without the threat of a ‘ticking meter’
- Stress relief. Probate can be a stressful and complex process. We take on this burden allowing your client to focus on more important issues
- Email Support. – team@willcraft.com.au offers Probate assistance at any stage